
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique: X-Men

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique: X-Men

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as Mystique: X-Men


...Magneto's loyal second-in-command, her mutant ability to alter her shape and mimic any human being is almost secondary to her role as "the perfect soldier". She is an agile fighter, expert martial artist.


...Magneto's henchwoman, she is a shapeshifter. Mystique is blue, naked and covered in scales, and she acts as a spy. She injects a prison guard with metal, with which Magneto makes his escape, and also sexually tempts Wolverine.

X-Men: The Last Stand

...Magneto's blue-skinned right-hand woman can shapeshift to match anyone's appearance as well as fight with incredible agility and strength.

Related Pages: X-Men

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