
Mad Max 1979

Mad Max 1979

Mad Max 1979

Starring: Mel Gibson

In Mad Max, Max Rockatansky is a Main Force Patrol officer fighting for peace on the roads of a dystopic Australia. Max is quiet, rarely speaking to any great extent, and never paying much attention to his steadily increasing reputation. He and his wife, Jessie, have an infant son, referred to only as "Sprog" (slang for 'child') in the movie. Though the best officer on the force, he is secretly afraid that he is becoming as cold and heartless as the criminals he pursues. He reaches a breaking point when a gang of criminally insane bikers known as the Acolytes burn Max's partner Goose alive inside a borrowed ute. The sight of the barely-living Goose's burnt body convinces Max to go on holiday with Jessie and Sprog. This only leads to a chain of events that results in the Acolytes killing Max's wife and child. Overwhelmed with grief and rage, he goes AWOL from the MFP, steals their Pursuit Special, and systematically pursues and kills each gang member responsible. Max is injured in an ambush set for him by the Acolytes' leader Toecutter, where he is shot in the left leg and has his right arm run over at the elbow. Despite his injuries, he manages to fatally shoot gang lieutenant Bubba Zanetti and pursues the Toecutter to his death. After hunting down final gang member Johnny the Boy and leaving him in a death trap, Max drives out into the wasteland, leaving the fading remnants of civilization behind him.

Related Pages: Mad Max

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