
Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed

Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed

Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed

In Rocky, Creed manages to essentially clean-out his division of serious challengers and magnanimously decides to fight rookie contender Rocky Balboa for the fan spectacle. In said film and its sequel, Balboa and Creed find themselves basically evenly matched in the ring; ending up friends by the third movie. Creed had multiple nicknames, including most prominently "The Master of Disaster". Others include "The King of Sting", "The Dancing Destroyer", "The Prince of Punch", and "The Count of Monte Fisto". A 2013 poll of former heavyweight champions and boxing writers, including former WBA heavyweight star James "Bonecrusher" Smith, ranked Creed as the second best boxer in the entire Rocky series.

In the film series, Creed is known as one of the world's best fighters, possessing a combination of both great speed and great strength. His powerful jab and emphasis on agility complimented his flashy personality and outfit. In terms of weaknesses, his only major drawback appears to his deep sense of pride and strong self-confidence, which allows Rocky to ultimately get somewhat of an edge over him in the ring from surprising Creed.

Related Pages: Carl Weathers, Rocky

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