
Wasp Woman

Wasp Woman

Wasp Woman

Starring: Jennifer Rubin

We meet Jennifer Rubin as Janice Starlin, the aging owner of a cosmetics firm. She has ALWAYS been the model spokeswoman for her company, but now she's a little too wrinkled and elderly to carry this post on, or so her fellow owners think (including the delightfully smarmy Gerritt Graham). So Janice learns of a doctor (played quite woodenly by Daniel J. Travanti) who has found that using a serum made from bee venom can make one younger. He experiments on a little kitty cat he finds in the alley and lo and behold, the cat gets younger, not to mention the fact that the poor puss also turns into a beecat!!! Anyway, Rubin uses the serum and voila, she's young and beautiful again, but also has advanced cases of paranoid delusions, and oh, yes, when she gets really horny, she turns into the titular monstrosity. The movie is a true B movie, and captures the feel of those wonderfully overwrought films of the 50s. Rubin is effective as the wasp woman; Doug Wert as her main hunk Alec is heroically adroit; and the whole movie preaches about the cost of vanity. The wasp woman creature isn't the greatest of effects, but it fits this charmingly nostalgic movie.

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