
Katharine McPhee - I was very strategic with my look

Katharine McPhee

She got our attention initially, of course, because she was so effortlessly beautiful. We all have a fascination with beautiful women and the struggles they go through in a man's world.
I love being a role model. It's still a man's world in society. Girls should keep working on themselves.
When I turned 21, I thought it was a good age to explore. You're no longer a teenager, so it's okay [to date older guys]. I gravitated toward them, and I love them. They're just wiser, and they're less about themselves and more about you.
I was prematurely developed, as a freshman, I looked like a junior; I had boobs. Some of the older kids saw me in the yearbook and said I was cute. I came from an all-girl school. I was determined to get a boyfriend!

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