
Olga Kurylenko - Because they have money, they think they can buy a woman

Olga Kurylenko

When I earnt my first money, I went to a shop and bought jeans and a top. But then I wore them both for such a long time that finally my model agency said, 'You should buy something else!' I was saving the money because it was the first time I'd ever had any.
I love fire. As a child I loved setting light to things. I'd always be in the forest putting matches to pieces of wood. I've always regarded fire as my friend.
My life is not that glamorous. I actually live a pretty simple life, really. I just work. I don't have time to do all these glamorous things. I just do my thing, just work.
I don't like the mentality that comes with rich Russian men. Because they have money, they think they can buy a woman - and they do. They can't just meet a woman and fall in love. And it's women's fault because they allow it.
I know how addictive video games are - I have friends who can't get up off the couch because they're so hooked. They provide these different virtual worlds that you can live in.
To be a Bond girl you need courage, charm, determination and feistiness.
I've seen guys sit the whole day doing nothing, and I hate it when people are unproductive. I don't like a guy who sits on the couch all day.
Hollywood always represents this big dream and fairy tale in people's minds, but to me, it's just hard work. Of course, we play fairy tale on the red carpet. It's all Cinderella. But when the clock strikes midnight, I turn into a gray mouse and I go home, and I take my dress off and it's over. That's Hollywood.
I maybe missed money in my childhood, but I didn't miss love, that's for sure. My dad wasn't there, but I can tell you not even once did I think I was missing something.

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