All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane: Amber Heard

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

Cast: Amber Heard, Anson Mount, Michael Welch, Aaron Himelstein, Edwin Hodge, Luke Grimes, Melissa Price, Adam Powell, Peyton Hayslip, Brooke Bloom

Sixteen-year-old Mandy Lane (Amber Heard) is an unattainable girl, everyone's object of desire. In an attempt to advance her position in the social pecking order, the gorgeous track star shuns her old friend Emmet, an awkward outsider. She's in with the cool kids now, and surely they don't want her hanging with the freak. Mandy's new 'friends' invite her out to a family ranch for the weekend and she agrees, seeing it as an excellent opportunity to cement her new friendships. Once at the ranch, all the boys start to make their moves - each one hoping to be the first to attain the unattainable Mandy Lane. As night falls and the booze, drugs, and hormones take over, things are said and advances made which can never be reversed. Suddenly, sweet Mandy finds herself pit in a brutal struggle for survival against someone whose interest she has rejected.

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