Walking Tall

Walking Tall: Dwayne Johnson

Walking Tall

Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Johnny Knoxville, Neal McDonough, Kristen Wilson, Ashley Scott

Chris Vaughn, a former army Special Forces sergeant, returns home to find some work at the cedar mill, but he finds that it closed down three years ago, and now, there’s a new casino in town, owned by his old school friend, Jay Hamilton, who is now taking liberties because of the chaotic economic situation. With the mill closed down, the casino is the main source of income for the town. Vaughn decides to check out the casino, and sees the craps dealer use loaded dices. When Vaughn gets somewhat violent, the security guards subdue him, then carve his stomach and leave him for dead, but was fortunate enough to be found, put in the hospital, and recovers.

Vaughn goes to the Sheriff to place charges on those who carved his stomach, but the Sheriff refuses to allow Vaughn to press charges because the casino is viewed as so important. After Vaughn also finds out that his nephew, Pete, experimented with Crystal Meth, which was sold to him and his friends by the casino security, Vaughn goes to the casino, and using only a four-by-four, he beats the security guards, and makes his point to Jay Hamilton that he won’t tolerate the crime in his town anymore. In the ensuing trial, Vaughn delivers a speech that convinces the jury to appoint him not guilty, and runs for Sheriff of Kitsap County, and obtains the job with the hope of cleaning up his town. Vaughn fires the entire police force, and deputizes his friend, Ray Templeton, who he knows will remain loyal, and fight for what he knows is right. Vaughn and Templeton find drugs on Hamilton’s right-hand man, Booth, and they take him into custody. In an attempt to make him rat on other drug dealers, they tear his truck apart, but he doesn’t talk.

The former Sheriff and his deputies then go to the Sheriff’s office, blow up Vaughn’s truck, and try to kill him, and while guns are being fired into the Sheriff’s office, with his life in danger, Booth tells Vaughn where the drug base is, and where they make them, which is in the old mill. Soon after releasing this information, Booth gets shot, and dies. Vaughn is able to escape. Vaughn’s parents’ house was raided by some of Hamilton’s men, but Templeton, who was stationed there, managed to keep everyone safe with the help of Chris Vaughn Sr., Chris Vaughn’s father. Vaughn then goes to the mill, and finds the drugs there, along with Hamilton, who sets a trap on Vaughn, and they fight for their lives in the woods behind the mill, with Vaughn eventually beating Hamilton, and placing him under arrest. Vaughn closes the casino, and the mill was reopened shortly after.

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