
Monica Bellucci

- "I believe that we have a natural instinct which is very strong. Just we don't know ourselves enough. And I think that if we get into it and we try to understand all we have inside, we can find all the power we have. I'm sure that we have the power also to see things, but it's going to happen in many, many years."
 "We all need illusions. That's why we love movies." - "You know, I'll tell you, when you're in front of the camera, for a small budget movie or a big budget movie, there's no difference. When you're in front of the camera, you just play and I think that also the language. I think for an actor, it's more important, an actor works with their soul and their thought and the language comes."
- "I think the lawyers are such incredible actors. Can you imagine the performance they have to do every day?" 
- "After a while in marriage, it doesn't work anymore. There is something missing, there is something wrong. There are few marriages that stay alive forever. We like something, and after a while, we hate what we used to love."
-"If there's something I believe in, it's a mysterious energy; the one that fills the oceans during tides, the one that unites nature and beings."

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