


W. Movie
W. Movie
Director: Oliver Stone
Cast: Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Banks, Jeffrey Wright, Thandie Newton, Richard Dreyfuss, Jesse Bradford, Ioan Gruffudd, Scott Glenn, James Cromwell, Ellen Burstyn,
Jason Ritter, Sayed Badreya, Rob Corddry, Toby Jones, Allan Kolman, Jonathan Breck


George W. Bush (Josh Brolin) endures an alcoholic initiation by fellow Yale students. Bush later names all of the pledged students in the dorm and states that his father's political legacy is one he has no interest in. After being jailed for rowdiness during a football game, his father (James Cromwell), a Texas Congressman, states that he will help his son, but only for the last time. Bush quits an oil patch job soon after and is accepted into Harvard Business School, but instead of being able to tell his parents, gets into a drunken fight with his father instead. Bush's real aspirations are revealed in a father-son talk: being a baseball manager.

George W. Bush plays poker and tells his friends that he wants to run for Congress (one of his friends mention that Bush's father should run for president against Ronald Reagan). At a barbecue Bush meets Laura Welch (Elizabeth Banks), his future wife. Bush is criticized by his opponent, Democrat Kent Hance, that he is not a native of Texas and has spent campaign contributions to throw an alcoholic party to Texas Tech underage students. Bush does poorly in the debate and loses the election, but with the highest number of votes for a Republican candidate in the county's history.

Bush becomes a born again Christian, gives up alcohol, and mends his relationship with his father, who invites him to assist with his successful presidential campaign, though George complains that he only was asked because Jeb was busy. Karl Rove (Toby Jones) incites George with notions that he has done nothing with his life and will leave no legacy like his family has. George becomes owner of the Texas Rangers while his father, President George H. W. Bush oversees the victory of the Gulf War in 100 hours but decides not to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein. When George's father does not win the 1992 election, George blames the loss on the decision not to depose Hussein.

George decides to run for Governor of Texas despite his parents' disapproval and for not throwing his support behind younger brother Jeb for the Florida governorship, but continues to fantasize of a career in baseball. An election win prompts a successful presidential bid in 2000 and spiritual renewal, followed by the devastating events of the September 11, 2001 attacks. As President, George, must plan military actions against Iraq, and labeling America's enemies--specifically North Korea, Iraq, and Iran--the Axis of evil. Bush begins searching for evidence that Hussein was creating nuclear weapons during 2002 and has the army prepared. Bush's staff supports the president with the exception of Colin Powell (Jeffrey Wright) who tries to convince president Bush not to. Colin Powell is pressured and eventually speaks to the UN explaining the US reasons for war with Iraq.

In March 2003, Iraq is invaded and at first the war is a success with the Iraqi army defeated and a statue of Saddam Hussein torn down as a symbol of the Iraqis freedom from the dictator. Bush declares on a Naval Aircraft Carrier that the mission has succeeded. But as the war continues the people become angrier at the President. Bush is outraged when he discovers that no WMD have been or will be found, and that Saddam pretended to have WMD mostly to impress his own people-gambling his regime and his life that Bush was bluffing. Bush has a nightmare in which his father wishes to fight his son angry and accusing him of ruining the Bush name and that it was Jeb Bush who was supposed to be the next Bush president. Bush has his 2004 State of the Union and states that "Either you're with us, or you're for the terrorists." Bush is asked in a press conference what he would take back as President and Bush is simply speechless. In a dream the President is a baseball player again and hears a ball hit to the outfield but Bush cannot find the ball.

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