
Lord of War

Lord of War

Bridget Moynahan - Lord of War Movie
Bridget Moynahan - Lord of War Movie

Director and Writer: Andrew Niccol
Cast: Nicolas Cage, Bridget Moynahan, Ethan Hawke, Jared Leto, Ian Holm,
Eamonn Walker, Sammi Rotibi


The movie begins with Yuri Orlov (Nicolas Cage) standing in a sea of spent shell casings. The rest of the movie is told in flashback, starting in 1982 and ending in the completion of the opening scene.
Through voice-over, Orlov describes the beginnings of his career. After Yuri sees a Russian mobster kill two would-be assassins, he decides to fulfill a necessity by providing guns. He partners up with his brother Vitaly (Jared Leto). Yuri's first break comes during the 1982 Lebanon War, when he sells guns to all sides of the conflict.
As he grows, Yuri (through voiceover) tells of his first incident with Jack Valentine (Ethan Hawke), an Interpol agent who cannot be bought with money. Yuri wins the first encounter when he changes the boat's name from the Kristol to the Kono and confuses Valentine.
During a business deal with a Colombian drug lord, Yuri is paid in cocaine instead of cash. Vitaly and he both get high on cocaine, but Vitaly becomes addicted, and Yuri checks him into a rehabilitation center. From that point onward, he conducts his arms business alone. Soon after this incident, he courts and marries model Ava Fontaine (Bridget Moynahan) and they have a child named Nikolai.
Yuri gets his second break after the Soviet Union dissolves. Yuri rushes to Ukraine after watching Gorbachev's Christmas Day 1991 speech of resignation on television. He begins buying tanks and other weapons to expand his operations.
One day, Valentine reveals to Ava that Yuri is a arms dealer. Ava convinces him to stop dealing and he complies for a short while. He is lured back in when his old friend, the dictator of Liberia (Andre Baptiste), approaches him and offers him more money. Yuri brings Vitaly along due to nervousness. During the transaction, Vitaly sees a group of villagers beat a woman and her child to death and tries to convince Yuri to stop the transaction. Yuri refuses; in response, Vitaly takes a grenade and blows up half the gun shipment. A nearby soldier kills Vitaly.
Back at home, Valentine follows Ava as she finds Yuri's security container. She and Yuri's parents disown him. Valentine predicts that Yuri will be put in prison for a long time. Yuri is released from custody, however, because he is a "necessary evil," as his role as a freelancer lets him distribute guns when the U.S government does want not to be seen supplying them. A free man, Yuri returns to arms selling.

Bridget Moynahan - Lord of War Movie

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