
Black Widow

Black Widow
The Black Widow is a world class athlete and gymnast, expert martial artist (including karate, judo, aikido, savate, various styles of kung fu, and boxing), markswoman, and weapons specialist as well as having extensive espionage training. She is also an accomplished ballerina. The Black Widow has been enhanced by biotechnology that makes her body resistant to aging and disease and heals at an above human rate as well as psychological conditioning that suppresses her memory of true events as opposed to implanted ones of the past without the aid of specially designed system suppressant drugs, attempts to do so result in extreme biological reactions, indicated as vomiting and black-outs.
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow
Scarlett Johansson as Natalie Rushman / Natasha Romanoff: She works in the legal department of Stark Industries and is highly qualified, speaking multiple languages including Latin and Russian. An undercover spy for S.H.I.E.L.D. posing as Stark’s assistant.

Black Widow Fragrance

Black Widow Perfume For Women
From JADS International. Russian Spy, Trained Assassin, World Class Ballerina, Girl from Legal Department. Like changing clothes in the back of a chauffeured car, strip away the façade and live that life and many more. A clear shot of citrus and fresh berries create a statement which slowly gives way to a sensual caramel and honey note, but kept too sweet by a pairing of dry Australian Sandalwood. Then, like a spider spindling silently from above, Black Widow dries down to a deeply desirous gourmand delight of bitter chocolate, clear patchouli and praline. This is a fragrance for those who can navigate the high-tension tightrope of love and duty-and who knows what it takes to be called Black Widow.
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