
Julius Harris as Tee Hee Johnson - Live and Let Die

Julius Harris as Tee Hee Johnson - Live and Let Die

Julius Harris as Tee Hee Johnson: Kananga's primary henchman who has a pincer for a hand.

Live and Let Die: Three British MI6 agents, including one "on loan" to the American government, are killed under mysterious circumstances within 24 hours while monitoring the operations of Dr. Kananga, the dictator of a small Caribbean island called San Monique. James Bond is sent to New York City, where the first agent was killed and where Kananga is currently visiting the UN, to investigate. As soon as Bond arrives in New York City, his driver is killed while taking him to meet Felix Leiter of the CIA.

Glastron speedboats in the Louisiana boat chase.The driver's killer leads Bond to Mr. Big, a gangster who runs a chain of Fillet of Soul restaurants throughout the United States. It is during his confrontation with Mr. Big that Bond first meets Solitaire, a beautiful virgin tarot expert who has the uncanny ability to see both the future and remote events in the present. In disguise as Mr. Big, Kananga demands that his henchman kill Bond, who manages to escape unscathed. Bond follows Kananga back to San Monique, where he subsequently meets Rosie Carver, a CIA double agent, who is subsequently murdered on the island by Kanaga's scarecrow men after Bond suspects her of working for Kananga. Later he meets the boatman Quarrel, Jr. who takes him to the home of Solitaire. Using a stacked tarot deck of only cards showing "The Lovers", Bond seduces her. Solitaire, losing her virginity as a result of coupling with Bond, loses her foresight abilities and is forced into cooperating with Bond to bring down Kananga.

It transpires that Kananga is producing two metric tonnes of heroin and is protecting the poppy fields by exploiting locals' fear of voodoo and the occult. Through his alter ego, Mr. Big, Kananga plans to distribute the heroin free of charge on the market, which will drive all the other drug cartels out of business, increase the number of addicts, and give Kananga a monopoly of the heroin market. Kananga's men capture Bond and Solitaire at the New Orleans airport. In his plastic gangster mask, Bond does not know Mr. Big for real. So Kananga rips off the mask and asks a disgusted Bond if he slept with Solitaire. Later, Kananga leaves Bond in the hands of Tee Hee Johnson, who takes Bond to the Farm, a community in the Louisiana backwoods filled with crocodiles. Kananga leaves Solitaire in the hands of Baron Samedi to be sacrificed. Bond is left to be food for the thousand crocodiles but he jumps on the back of the reptiles to get out of the pond. He sets the Farm on fire, killing some of Kananga's men. This leads to a long speedboat chase with local sheriff J.W. Pepper and the Louisiana state police trying to blockade the forces. Later, back in San Monique, Bond interrupts the voodoo sacrifice and saves Solitaire. Bond shoots at least three Baron Samedis. But the real one rises from a grave with a machete, leading to a fight. Samedi ends up being killed in a coffin full of poisonous snakes. Bond and Solitaire travel below ground into Kananga's lair. In the end, Kananga cuts Bond several times, drawing blood to bait some sharks. But Bond puts a gas pellet in Kananga's mouth, forcing the dictator to turn into a balloon and explode. After the job is done, Felix leaves Bond and Solitaire on a train out of the country.

Tee Hee makes a last attempt on Bond's life and is ejected from their train compartment at high speed. The central voodoo character, Baron Samedi, is seen perched on the front of the speeding train in which Bond and Solitaire are traveling, in his voodoo outfit and laughing mysteriously.

Julius Harris as Tee Hee Johnson - Live and Let Die Figure

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